Position paper of the associations: Adaptation of the legal framework for hydrogen networks
A broad coalition of economic and energy associations has approached politicians with a joint position paper. In it, BDI, BDEW, DIHK, the Association of Transmission System Operators (FNB Gas) and the Association of Industrial Energy and Power Industry (VIK) list detailed recommendations for adapting the legal framework for hydrogen networks. The formulations are in line with the demands that GET H2 makes on politicians to legally enable the development of a hydrogen economy and the infrastructure required for it.
Link to the joint press release of the associations (German).
High Pressure Gas Pipeline Ordinance is H2 ready
While adjustments to the German Energy Act (EnWG) and the Gas Network Access Ordinance (Gasnetzzugangsverordnung) are necessary in the short term, the High Pressure Gas Pipeline Ordinance (Gashochdruckleitungsverordnung) has already been formulated in general terms and is thus ready for the transport of H2 as a new gas quality.